f*ck you bruh its so bad
its just a screenshot of eddsworld dumbass
I like a lotta things, did a lotta things, might come back.
just a weirdo
bi and trans
Joined on 12/2/19
f*ck you bruh its so bad
its just a screenshot of eddsworld dumbass
no, this isnt a screenshot of Eddsworld
jesus christ man youre a minor making eddswolrd porn and then you go to make a community post about "oH I wIsH pEoPLe WouLdnT mAKe FuN of mE For MAkING cErtaIN cOntenT :((((("
you are exactly why I want to become an adult faster, so assholes like you stop heckling me
@Gimpmastermind Yes. he have some problems.
for liking something? wow.
My dude is just going through the "Getting Groomed" speedrun, or is it the "Look fucking dumb" speedrun? I can't really tell yet.
Like Gimpmastermind said, you are a minor. Doing shit like this makes you an easy target. You are not grown or mature, so stop doing grown and mature things you nut.
fuck off, im not being groomed or dumb, I am just a loser with interests, I can't get laid, I'm too ugly to get laid, so I'm resorting to making Eddsworld porn, because until someone can make cartoon characters come to life to be my romantic partners, I have no choice but to draw porn
You're a minor and uploading pornography
you are not answering my question you little shitbiscuit, you are hereby blocked from my profile